Welcome and thankyou!

Thankyou to all of you friends and family that are taking the time to check this out. I know I am a BIG TIME NEWBIE in the world of blogging......well actually anything computer wise and otherwise on the big wide world of internet, so thanks for being patient, kind, loving and understanding. Please feel free to help me out with insights and instructions and even suggestions.........just as long as they are nice. (smile)

This is me...............

This is me...............
What a beautiful place I live.....see that lake and mountians behind me!

About Me

My photo
Shasta Lake/ Hayfork (always our real home), Northern California, United States
Love, love, love art. My favorite art theme is Jesters/Jokers, Gemini, Drama masks and gnomes/fairies. I Love my art friends. I Adore my hubby Bill, my 4 kids and my sweet doggie Uno. I love to read, travel, sports, music and most of all I LOVE TO LAUGH.....even at myself!

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Hang Out and My New Table

Since dropping of the planet this last week, I have been a busy bee. I normally write about my artwork or my family but I thought I would share my latest project with everyone. Sorry I went overboard witht the pictures.......I am a photo fanatic, what else can I say. In my art room I have a draftmans type desk and a table that Bill made for me. I came up with the idea to 'spruce' up the table. Those of you who know me , know that I love to collage. There are many giant collages in my art room and in the homes of family members. I am obsessed with photos and love to put them together in one piece of art. So I decided to use a few small family pictures and then I dug out a slew of doodle drawings I did, prints of some of my art and notes and cards that Bill and the kids have given me over the years all together on the table top. After all of the collage work was done, I used a pigment ink pen and did the scroll and accent artwork. I used a finish over the entire top and then when that was dry I put a clear adhesive over the table top to make it more durable. I love the way it turned out. After it was finished I decided to get ambishous and clean and organize my art room as well, so I thought I would show them off too.

Family photo from a couple of thanksgivings ago. Bill is about 80 pounds lighter than that pic and I am now about 50 pounds lighter as well...but we have not had a chance to do a family pic since then.
This picture is of Tony the middle son with one of my cards I saved because I loved the fairy, and I never...never ....ever throw anything away. I also used one of my many hand written quotes that I have been sticking all over my work area for years. Whenever I see something that is funny,interesting or inspirational, I write it down and cover my work area with them.

This pic shows a small photo of our youngest son Tyler and a note he wrote me way back when he was in lower grade school.
This shows one of my favorite elf drawings and of course a picture and saying that Bill used on a homemade Valentine.

In the center you see a small picture of our beautiful and only daughter Kryston. Her picture is at the top of a homemade Valentine she made me when she was very young. Around these is several pieces of my art work.

My favorite theme has always been joker/jesters, gemini, fairies/elves and gnomes. they are in alot of my work.

This one shows an old birthday card with the number 6. My favorite number, I was born on 6/6/64, only if I had been born in 66 would it be more cool. Next to the charcoal drawing in the bottom photo, is our oldest son Travis. He is much older now, but I love this picture of him, it is my favorite from when he was in high school.

'lady jester' ATC

'lady jester' ATC
pen/marker pigment ink drawing