Welcome and thankyou!

Thankyou to all of you friends and family that are taking the time to check this out. I know I am a BIG TIME NEWBIE in the world of blogging......well actually anything computer wise and otherwise on the big wide world of internet, so thanks for being patient, kind, loving and understanding. Please feel free to help me out with insights and instructions and even suggestions.........just as long as they are nice. (smile)

This is me...............

This is me...............
What a beautiful place I live.....see that lake and mountians behind me!

About Me

My photo
Shasta Lake/ Hayfork (always our real home), Northern California, United States
Love, love, love art. My favorite art theme is Jesters/Jokers, Gemini, Drama masks and gnomes/fairies. I Love my art friends. I Adore my hubby Bill, my 4 kids and my sweet doggie Uno. I love to read, travel, sports, music and most of all I LOVE TO LAUGH.....even at myself!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Hi to all of my friends, family and fellow artists! As always..........I have gotten so busy lately, that I have neglected my blog. I am horrible at blogging..........but at least you don't have to find time to read all of mine! I recently joined a group on flickr called 'A Day In The Life Of An Artist...' . The goal of this group is to upload frequent photos of yourself that show who you are and what you do, rather than just showing your artwork. I think this is a great idea and a fun way to get to know the artists that you have come to know over the internet art world. So I thought it would be fun to blog those photos that I upload to this group. you will get to see VERY RARE pics of me......cause I hate being the subject of photos, I am much more comfortable collecting photos of family and friends for my art! I hope you enjoy the ones that I show you.....
This photo was taken a couple of nights ago at a basketball tourny in Anderson CA. My husband and I went so he could take pics and so I could jump up and down and yell alot.
I have always loved sports and played basketball, volleyball ,softball and track. I started playing sports in grade school and continued through high school and college. Bill was a football and track star in high school, so he loves going too. All three of our boys played basketball, track, baseball and football and our daughter played volleyball and was a cheerleader. This allowed me to feed my love of sports after I no longer played. We went to every home game and most of the away games to support the kids. Bill and I continue to go to as many games as we can even though all of our kids have now graduated. Bill is a hobby photographer and started taking photos at the games and sending them to the newspaper in our small home town. Our town was not the 'main' town of the newspapers coverage and we were frustrated that our town's athletes were not getting the same coverage as those in our neighboring community. He continues to do that now, even though we no longer live in our home town and county.
I was happy that Bill was nice enough to take this photo, instead of my 'NORMAL' pose, of mouth open yelling and jumping up and down. LOL I am going to try and have bill take more photos that will show who I am, my loves and what makes me tick, as well as my love of art! hope you are well and happy.................sandy

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'lady jester' ATC

'lady jester' ATC
pen/marker pigment ink drawing